Big Tranny Tits! What do you think if mine? I want an honest opinion and I want you to write it below in the comments section. I met a man not long ago that did not like my Big Tranny Tits!! He was super polite about it but he did not want to touch them or suck on my nipples. He also was ok if we had sex and I did not take my shirt off.
So one day I asked and he said that he likes tranny tits that are more rounded and different. I had no real way to describe what he likes and neither did he but I understood. We dated a while longer and then he moved on. Or maybe it was me. The next man I started dating would not stop touching my tits. I was honestly a bit delighted with this because I actually like when a man pays attention to my tits.
So please scroll down a little and make a comment about my tits. Do you like them? If not why not. If yes. Tell me what you would like to do to them!!
XOXO Vitress.