I know that I am talking to a mixed generation audience when I write these so if I say something you don’t understand let me know. Some phrases are just out of date and not used much anymore. And the reason I am saying this is because of the title and focus of this post. And its the phrase Tramp Stamp and what it is that we are focusing on.
Do you know that the word means? A Tramp Stamp is the tattoo a woman gets on the lower back. As you can see Vitress has one as well. Its a bill board to notify you that she is a tramp and just wants to fuck. You can focus on it when you have her bent over a chair or a rail out in public or where ever you decide to load her with your cum. Most of the girls love to show them off as a sort of advertisement that they are easy. Why else would you get a tattoo that you cant even see?
So now that we know what we are talking about what do you think about the photo below. It’s obvious that this is Vitress Tamayo. And you know that she is trans. Furthermore you now know that she is also a self proclaimed tramp. So jump on this ride and see more of her right now!